The 10 Tastiest Thai Soups that Warm Your Heart

Thai soups are very tasty and comforting, especially when you have a cold or flu. It is the best way to get rid of the cold and brighten up your mood. 

Let’s have a look at these 10 inviting and Tastiest Thai Soups! They will surely warm your freezing heart on a cold winter day.

Yen Ta Fo (Pink Noodle Soup)

This brightly pink noodle soup will get your attention right away upon looking at it. And the secret to its delicious taste is the sweet-piquant-fiery red sauce. The dish is simmered in a pork broth that will make your tummy happy after finishing a serving.

The Tastiest Thai Soup: Tom Saep

Another flavorful and among the Tastiest Thai Soups is Tom Saep. The dish is labeled as the Northern Thai version of Tom Yum. In the Isan dialect, Tom Saep means “Tasty Soup.” And the ingredients make the dish tasty and sour. They include ingredients like lemongrass,  kaffir lime leaves, Thai Basil, galangal. The food is commonly cooked with beef, but it has other alternatives like water buffalo or pork.

Kuai-Tiao Ruea (Boat Noodles) 

Translated as Boat Noodles –  one of the Tastiest Thai Soups – is a Thai noodle dish initially sold on the boat in the canal of Bangkok. The dish is served in a small bowl because the boat seller ages ago was the only one to prepare everything before giving it to the customer. The dish is served in a small bowl to avoid spilling when the seller gives it to the customer. Until now, restaurants preserve the old practice wherein boat noodles are placed in a small bowl.

Tom Chuet: The Tastiest Thai Soup

Tom Chuet, also called Kaeng chuet, is a simple and clear vegetable soup composed of fresh beans, carrots, Chinese cabbage, celery, spring onions, garlic, and soy sauce. The dish is gently cooked in a vegetable broth (chicken and pork broth can also be great alternatives) together with its other ingredients. It is best served warm or hot to enjoy the different flavors of the soup. 

Thai Orange Fish Soup

If you love fish and want it in your soup, you can order Thai Orange Fish Soup from the restaurant’s menu. The fiery-hot, sweet, and sour flavor make the dish the Tastiest Thai Soup one can enjoy before starting the day. Thai orange fish soup originated in Thailand’s Central plains region, where vegetables, fish, and rice are abundant and the usual ingredients. If you have the chance to prepare this Tastiest Thai Soup dish at home, you can use any fresh fish and vegetables available in your fridge.

Chicken Rice Noodle Soup

Among the comforting and Tastiest Thai Soup is Chicken Rice Noodle Soup. Besides the comfort, this flavor-packed chicken rice noodle dish is also good for your health because there isn’t much calorie in it, and it is gluten-free. 

Thai Pumpkin Coconut Soup

If you want a taste of coconut milk and pumpkin in one dish, Thai Pumpkin Coconut Soup would be an excellent choice. The sweet and savory taste of the dish makes it on the Tastiest Thai Soups list that lightens up your mood. The creamy flavor will definitely make you ask for another helping.

Gaeng/Kaeng Liang

Belonging to the Tastiest Thai Soups menu is Kaeng Liang. This dish is loaded with many vegetables making it healthy and highly recommended with new mommies out there!  The combination of shrimp paste, dried shrimp, fish sauce, and grachai makes the dish’s flavor exciting and savory. Do you want to try it? Go for it!

Khao Tom Gai (Thai Chicken and Rice Soup)

Khao Tom Gai has a light flavor, but it is satisfying; that’s why it is among the Tastiest Thai Soups that locals love to have for their meal. Though Thai chicken and rice soup is one of the most straightforward Thai soups, the taste is not compromised. And you’ll surely love it after tasting the food despite the plain texture. 

Gaeng Jued (Thai Vegetable Soup)

Another vegetable soup you can order at a Thai restaurant is Gaeng Jued (which means “bland or plain soup”). This light-broth based soup is still considered the Tastiest Thai Soups, though it is just a plain soup. An addition of pork meatballs makes the dish nourishing and refreshing

Since it’s still Winter, it is the soup season, and it’s nice to feel cozy while sharing a bowl of savory. Especially with your loved ones, right? If you are snowed under and don’t have time to prepare for your meal, you can order online from us.

Once again, thanks a lot for your time to read this article about The 10 Tastiest Thai Soups that Warm Your Heart

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